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With winter full swing and looking towards Spring, I decided it was time to attempt Egg carton flowers! We made dozens of them and upcycled my girls’ mirror… But there are many other things you could create as well! Here is how we did it…
Step 1
Cut apart the egg cartons into individual cups.

Step 2
Cut petals. Round corners for softer rose or impatience type flowers, use pointy cups for daffodils.

Step 3
Use hot glue to attach segments and fold petals.

Step 4
Paint flowers- either with a brush for more details or spray paint for uniformity.

Step 5
Add flowers to a project with hot glue or make wire stems to add to a bouquet!

I made this bouquet for a friend’s housewarming gift. Added a pickle jar vase wrapped in a square of fabric and piece of cording… Turned out very cute! Use your imagination and just have fun!