Please note that this post may contain affiliate links and any sales made through such links will reward me a small commission – at no extra cost for you!
I am often asked what my family does for our health and wellness. Rather than get into the philosophy and life choices of my family, I will summarize by stating that we believe our bodies have been designed to work in accordance with nature and we choose natural health and healing methods whenever possible. That said, we definitely recognize there is a time and place for conventional Western medicine.
Healthy Lifestyle
Our family believes that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! With this mindset, we strive to live a healthy and active lifestyle. Regular physical activity, good sleep hygiene, and diet are all aspects of our family’s health.
Stress management, Spiritual peace, and emotional health are also important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. While I admit I struggle with stress management, I have found several ways to help myself which will be the focus of a separate post. As a family, we address each of these aspects and work together to create a focused plan which brings health and balance to these areas of life.
Healthy Food
Food is medicine. Food is fuel. Carefully choosing what we eat, when, how much, etc is fundamental for our family’s health. Do we make mistakes- YUP! Are we perfect? Not a chance… however, we still strive to eat the best we can within our budget. Do your best and start with small changes! Organic is great! Home grown is better! But if you can’t have either, start by washing your produce to remove toxins!
Healthy Products
The last point about family health that I am going to briefly cover today is the products in our lives. Whenever we can, I try to chose healthy products as an alternative. If I can make my own, I do. If not, I strive to buy high quality products. This includes tinctures, beauty products, soaps, cleaning products, vitamins, etc… all the various “products” that can help improve our lives.
One company that I have recently started endorsing more is Earthley. They are a wonderful small business that sources the highest possible ingredients for a reasonable cost. Not only are they affordable, they are products that I love to use and that are similar to ones that I used to make myself.
I am a very busy Mama Bear. Unfortunately I don’t have the time to always craft my own tinctures, balms, salves, and soaps. When I don’t, I trust Earthley to fill in the gaps for me. They offer a wide array of products that I am comfortable using- ones that I believe truly help promote my family’s health!
In Conclusion
So the take away? Family health is multi faceted. It envelopes the entire person- physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Each of these aspects are unique in how they should be addressed. For our family, we work together to encourage each other along our individual and collective health care journey.