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Today we celebrate Thanksgiving… a day of giving thanks for the many blessings we hold dear. I wanted to share a few of the things at the top of my thankful list…
My Faith
I am thankful for the faith I have. I am thankful for the Scriptures and that I can have a personal relationship with YHWH. My faith journey has been different from others, but it is mine… someday I will go into sharing my testimony, but not today… I am thankful for Yeshua, my Salvation, and for the HOPE I have in these uncertain days.
My Family
I am forever thankful for my family. My husband is my best friend, my Beloved, my confidant. Without him, I would surely not be Mama Bear!
I am thankful for each of my children- for the smiles they bring, the laughter we share, and the joy of motherhood! They are my little teachers and my daily helpers!
I am blessed and greatly thankful to have wonderful parents who love me and who taught me so much about life, love, and living!
I am thankful for my siblings and for the relationships we share… it isn’t always easy, but I am thankful for memories shared and new memories made!
My Friends
For my friends- I am so blessed for the few faithful friends the Father has given me… most of them are not close in location, but they are always close in my heart!
My Home
For the home I share with my husband, the animals we care for, the plants and orchard we began to grow… I am truly thankful! Over the past few years we have moved much. We have lived in different locations for the past 7 Thanksgivings! Thankfully we have shared 4 of those with family and two with beloved friends… but that’s a lot of moving! I am thankful that no matter where our journey takes us, my husband and I can share love and make HOME where ever we go!
Thankfulness Reflection
I am thankful for so much more… where I live, freedoms I have, knowledge, music, art, crafts, books, the list is endless. But remembering to have a grateful heart isn’t always easy… sometimes I forget… I slip and fall too!
When I look at my life, Thanksgiving has always been a day of thankful remembrance my mother’s favorite holiday, and as a mother, I now understand why. It is a day that we traditionally all come together as a family and share in our bounty of blessings. A day set aside for thanking the Heavenly Father for His goodness and provision.
For the past few years, we were not with blood family during Thanksgiving time but we were with others who love us as their own. We miss them this year. However, at the same time, we are grateful to be around our blood family once again.
In Closing
It is good to take time to reflect and be thankful. We have so many blessings- even when things are going all wrong! I encourage you to take some time and focus on the positive. Count your blessings! Hold the ones you love close. Be thankful and share a grateful heart with all those around you!